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Yellow Belt training: contents

The average Yellow Belt training attempts to explain the following tools:
1. Voice of the Customer (VOC): This is used to determine what the client values in terms of the production of a particular service or product.
2. Value Stream Mapping: This is used to separate all those activities which add value from those activities which do not (waste)
3. Kaizen: The philosophy behind Lean Management which improves your process a little bit every day.
4. 5S: The principle of a tidy, orderly and clean work environment. This is not only meant for production companies, but also applies to the office environment.
5. Poka Yoke: Simple and cheap improvements that can be immediately introduced in an organization.
6. Push and Pull production: To produce what the client wants and when he/she wants it, instead of when the producer of the service or product wants.
7. DMAIC: The project approach behind Lean Six Sigma. Which steps does this entail and which tools from the Lean Six Sigma toolkit do you use for which step?
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